WOMAD 2006 - Been there, done that!

HEY THERE! Get a load of MY snaps from WOMAD - perhaps you were lucky enough to see ME? Maybe you are amongst those blessed with a chance to meet ME and just maybe you get to appear here in a photograph with ME!!!! It was a great festival man and there's lots to tell, but I'm keeping most of it to MYSELF.....

Here's my best friend: Bear he came with us to WOMAD and had lots of honey, but I didn't see much of him once we got there. He stole that natty waistcoat from ME by the way.....
I spent the first few days out and about with my special friends, meeting in special secret places which only we know and NO cameras are allowed in, so you can't see any pictures of that! Hiya Plant by the way! So it was the last day before I was back into "normal" circulation, meeting my public and so on....

Here's 2 bag ladies selling THEM a bag to carry me around in - hey its a cool bag - real cotton and dead comfy. They liked ME!
See? Here's ME loitering in my new bag, and that kid there is checking me out.

Two more FANS! This geezer was about the only pipe smoker at WOMAD (except for those big water jar jobs that they keep behind the curtains). Hello you two!
Talking of which: Good Ganja!

We all went to see some bands too - here's me concentrating v.hard while writing my other blog:FolkingAbout, HE thinks it's his, but I write it really.

Here's me with THEM at the Laura Veirs gig, once again there's a cool chick checking ME out in the background:
Best bit of the day was meeting SAM and his family. Here we are dancing and enjoying a giant strawberry together.

What a great time we had!
I met some other kid too, but he tried to rip my eyes out and pull my arms off, so I didn't like him much - must have had too many e-numbers or something....
OK one last thing - not saying much about this except that it's a taster!

Maximum respect to all RASTAS!
PEACE brothers and sisters everywhere. Floppy 8-)
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