All of MY fans out there will be upset to learn of further delays to the upcoming Floppy disc.

I had a meeting with this producer geezer but he didn't seem interested in MY stuff at all, just some other bloke called Frank from Ireland. Anyway Floppy had a plan! I ordered the geezer out of his own studio and took charge myself!

Actually this Frank bloke is quite good - I had a bit of a listen and decided that I could wipe out his vocals and sing over his band - that would save time! I was just getting going when the other geezer crept back in....

Curses! Just as I was about to record MY masterpiece!
We made up after over some stuff, then we had a jam session but I couldn't get a note out of this thing! Rock'n'roll but still no progress music lovers.
Peace Love and Moving the faders
Floppy 8-)
Hello! Are there any Teddy Bears Dressed as Other Animals around here? Just wonderin' ...
Well I certainly don't count - EXCEPT that I was rescued from being someething else - a close shave I can tell you!
I may have some horrors to send you though.
Peace Love and Shakin' with horror!
Floppy 8-)
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