And then she uttered those immortal words ......
Er, like, er, well, er, hello? Hello every, er, body - hello! Hello Everybody! There, that's better - phew - well - like wow - I mean it's been all too much to take in really - I have to say it's taken ME a whole week to wake up and get my head together after IT happened. I won't keep you in suspense - it was the highlight of MY already frankly phenomenal life so far - I was there - Derby Assembly Rooms last Saturday night - helping those fab people at Reveal Records make a load of money for my chums at Amnesty International - I was in full on cool mode - clean teeshirt, bath, soap and all that - just chilling out down on the front row - we had listened to Jon Redfern make a delicious noise in the first bit, and now I was spell bound listening to the 4 coolest chicks anywhere ever, no back answers (except you Mum - ok?) Rachael Unthank and the Winterset playing their liquid harmony music when suddenly Rachael stopped what she was saying and uttered those immortal words "I see Mr. Floppy is in tonight - perhaps he would like to join us on the stage?"

WOULD I???????????????? I would have walked up there MYSELF but that parent of mine - ever keen to grab a little limelight - hauled ME out of my seat and then left ME IN THE WRONG PLACE! I mean Ok I was on stage - with the Unthanks and everything - but he left ME stuck on the edge - I should have been in with the girls - I could have played cello for Rachael - sang with Becky - but no - he has to leave ME all perched on the edge - terrified I might fall off at any moment - too scared to look around in case I slipped!

Here I am - hand on heart - just checking I was really alive and this wasn't heaven or something. Anyway after a few songs some kindly soul at the back shouted out that they couldn't see ME - (I'm surprised it took them so long really - there could have been a riot when people realised I was there) and before I knew what had happened I was taken up in Rachael's arms, sigh, then O'Hooley got a hold of ME and we played a keyboard duet together - the crowd went wild!

The photographer must have been struck down with shock at this point because he made a right hash of getting pictures of it - but here''s the best of a cr*p bunch. So I stayed with Belinda to the end of their set and took the applause with them - and we had a bit of a chat later - Becky was particularly attentive I thought (hi Becky!) and later Jackie gave me a great big hug - and I don't remember very much more really - until today - oh yes - there was one thing that may have been a dream or a nightmare even - there was this band playing on the same stage and they were playing nice soft Scottish music, until suddenly they went a bit mad and the accordion player's head fell off ...........
Peace Love and Clogs!
Floppy 8-)

WOULD I???????????????? I would have walked up there MYSELF but that parent of mine - ever keen to grab a little limelight - hauled ME out of my seat and then left ME IN THE WRONG PLACE! I mean Ok I was on stage - with the Unthanks and everything - but he left ME stuck on the edge - I should have been in with the girls - I could have played cello for Rachael - sang with Becky - but no - he has to leave ME all perched on the edge - terrified I might fall off at any moment - too scared to look around in case I slipped!

Here I am - hand on heart - just checking I was really alive and this wasn't heaven or something. Anyway after a few songs some kindly soul at the back shouted out that they couldn't see ME - (I'm surprised it took them so long really - there could have been a riot when people realised I was there) and before I knew what had happened I was taken up in Rachael's arms, sigh, then O'Hooley got a hold of ME and we played a keyboard duet together - the crowd went wild!

The photographer must have been struck down with shock at this point because he made a right hash of getting pictures of it - but here''s the best of a cr*p bunch. So I stayed with Belinda to the end of their set and took the applause with them - and we had a bit of a chat later - Becky was particularly attentive I thought (hi Becky!) and later Jackie gave me a great big hug - and I don't remember very much more really - until today - oh yes - there was one thing that may have been a dream or a nightmare even - there was this band playing on the same stage and they were playing nice soft Scottish music, until suddenly they went a bit mad and the accordion player's head fell off ...........
Peace Love and Clogs!
Floppy 8-)
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