Playing Trains
Back to Wales to go on MY favourite train again - the Welsh Highland Railway. They have good big engines like this one and it was a really nice day with our friends Ann, Jim & Jordan - of course the parents came too and Michael.

We had special tickets for the day and this geezer came around to check them every now and again. In the end we let him have his picture taken with ME and then he stopped bothering us.

Time for a morning nap.

Hello Mum! This is the outdoor bar at the station.

I had a nice snack on the train - even though it looks like chocolatised rabbit poo - yuk!

This is the carriage to be in if you want some stuff.

Some odd folk on trains - this bloke in the white shirt had such long arms, he even managed to get his fingers into this photograph from half a carriage away.

Time for an afternoon nap.

This chick missed out on being MY cool chick of the day by managing to look so bored, and making ME look like part of the merchandise. (So you win again Mum!)

Oh all right! I was tired OK - been out most of the night (Hi Elton!) and I had a bit of a head ok????

We had special tickets for the day and this geezer came around to check them every now and again. In the end we let him have his picture taken with ME and then he stopped bothering us.

Time for a morning nap.

Hello Mum! This is the outdoor bar at the station.

I had a nice snack on the train - even though it looks like chocolatised rabbit poo - yuk!

This is the carriage to be in if you want some stuff.

Some odd folk on trains - this bloke in the white shirt had such long arms, he even managed to get his fingers into this photograph from half a carriage away.

Time for an afternoon nap.

This chick missed out on being MY cool chick of the day by managing to look so bored, and making ME look like part of the merchandise. (So you win again Mum!)

Oh all right! I was tired OK - been out most of the night (Hi Elton!) and I had a bit of a head ok????
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