Thats it! I'm off to the sun!
Greetings from The Beach!
I've had enough - this music business has been doing my head in - everybody is just too slow! I can't get musicians to work, the producers to agree and as for the management - enough! So Flonk suggested we have break - get away from it all and get some sun....
I'm not sure this is what I had in mind - it's all a bit wet - and there's no sign of the beach bars or the cool chicks...

Have a paddle Flonk said - a paddle? I kept my Womud wellies very firmly on thank you very much - Floppy and water do not agree!

I'm afraid even this break wasn't going to help....

Here's Flonk - at least HE is enjoying himself! Surfing here I think.

Once he'd had a chat with me though I cheered up again...

It's quite nice to look at - the sea...

But "I love the sun" much better .... cool eh?

Of course once word got out that an international mega-star was on the beach MY peace was shattered - "Oh Mr. Floppy - can we just have our picture taken with you?"

After the rush had died down we crept off to the pub for a pint of SHARP's bitter...

This is the barmaid who served us - SHE had to have a picture too....

After a pint - tea and cake at the cafe - look at this! Who shrink wraps cake???

Time to work off all this drinking with a bit of dangerous climbing ...

Seems safe enough to me....

however you look at it!

Waiting for the play to start:

still waiting....



Help! See that fan arriving over the barrier to help - just like Jackie Chan!

They put us in the clink for messing about....

After they let us out we had a sun-bathe and considered which night club to go to...

Wrong choice again - these women will insist on taking the term "pick-up" literally...

Hey! What's so funny?

All's well that ends well and I got to dance with lots of cool chicks & dudes... but the paperazzi didn't see me so here's one with me Mum & Dad!

Peace Love & Wellies
Floppy 8-) & Flonk 8==)
I've had enough - this music business has been doing my head in - everybody is just too slow! I can't get musicians to work, the producers to agree and as for the management - enough! So Flonk suggested we have break - get away from it all and get some sun....
I'm not sure this is what I had in mind - it's all a bit wet - and there's no sign of the beach bars or the cool chicks...

Have a paddle Flonk said - a paddle? I kept my Womud wellies very firmly on thank you very much - Floppy and water do not agree!

I'm afraid even this break wasn't going to help....

Here's Flonk - at least HE is enjoying himself! Surfing here I think.

Once he'd had a chat with me though I cheered up again...

It's quite nice to look at - the sea...

But "I love the sun" much better .... cool eh?

Of course once word got out that an international mega-star was on the beach MY peace was shattered - "Oh Mr. Floppy - can we just have our picture taken with you?"

After the rush had died down we crept off to the pub for a pint of SHARP's bitter...

This is the barmaid who served us - SHE had to have a picture too....

After a pint - tea and cake at the cafe - look at this! Who shrink wraps cake???

Time to work off all this drinking with a bit of dangerous climbing ...

Seems safe enough to me....

however you look at it!

Waiting for the play to start:

still waiting....



Help! See that fan arriving over the barrier to help - just like Jackie Chan!

They put us in the clink for messing about....

After they let us out we had a sun-bathe and considered which night club to go to...

Wrong choice again - these women will insist on taking the term "pick-up" literally...

Hey! What's so funny?

All's well that ends well and I got to dance with lots of cool chicks & dudes... but the paperazzi didn't see me so here's one with me Mum & Dad!

Peace Love & Wellies
Floppy 8-) & Flonk 8==)