Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Fairport's Cropredy Convention 2006 - ME & THE QUO!!!

Cropredy was much better this year! I got to meet lots of fab people and even managed to get ON STAGE and rock along with --- THE QUO!!! I don't know how Francis and the boys manage to stay so young looking, but hey, they rocked!

Can't remember ever having so much fun - every time they lit me up with those great big spots, the whole crowd cheered for ME!- I was worn out from all the waving all the time.

Got myself some executive transport for this year too - my top friend MAL loaned me his wheels for a bit - great fun - and just like John Martyn's!!!!! - thanks Mal!!!

Oh yeah - I had to put his photo in as a thank you - so here he is - sleepwalking at Cropredy - probably had too much whiskey ;-)

Here's Bear and ME chilling back at the Mobile Palace - Bear is just too posh for me.

There's a great big gap in photo coverage of Cropredy this year because THEY forgot to bring decent spare batteries for the camera - so you don't get any pictures of my new friends NICK - the long, cool guy who don't say much but has the best dance ever - you have to run down the whole field to do it properly - and PHIL - who was soooooo happy after John Martyn that we laughed and laughed at 10CC - Phil had drunk a lot of cider and he probably had some other stuff too - he was out of here man!

I saw John Martyn he was VERY good and his music is VERY scary for little ME. I could have got up and jammed with him, but I was too much in AWE! (Yes I know, a rare moment of humility from ME, but sometimes you just have to admit it....!!)

Anyway - must say sorry to the folk in the food stall that I scared half to death when I looked in on them - and thanks to the other lot for the freebie banana crepe - yummy!

What a great weekend - so you next year? Here's a stolen image of me on the way home in the Mobile Palace - Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Peace, Love and Crepes! Floppy 8-)

Cropredy 2006 - A tale of excess and woe

Normal service will be resumed when I have finished sleeping it off!

Stay tuned - Floppy 8-)

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Its been a long, long day!

Hello everybody - wow I'm worn out! I've met up with my clone Schlappie today for the first time since he moved to Holland - hey we had a great party - pictures and stories to follow!!!

I can see from my statistics that lots of you are reading my blog, but nobody seems to want to get in touch - come on my people - leave me a comment or email me (I don't have my own email yet, but I can read the ones that Gilly gets: gilly.farrie@zen.co.uk

Don't be shy!!! Love & Peace Floppy 8-)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

WOMAD 2006 - Been there, done that!

WOMAD 2006 - RIVERMEAD - Reading, UK

HEY THERE! Get a load of MY snaps from WOMAD - perhaps you were lucky enough to see ME? Maybe you are amongst those blessed with a chance to meet ME and just maybe you get to appear here in a photograph with ME!!!! It was a great festival man and there's lots to tell, but I'm keeping most of it to MYSELF.....

Here's my best friend: Bear he came with us to WOMAD and had lots of honey, but I didn't see much of him once we got there. He stole that natty waistcoat from ME by the way.....

I spent the first few days out and about with my special friends, meeting in special secret places which only we know and NO cameras are allowed in, so you can't see any pictures of that! Hiya Plant by the way! So it was the last day before I was back into "normal" circulation, meeting my public and so on....

Here's 2 bag ladies selling THEM a bag to carry me around in - hey its a cool bag - real cotton and dead comfy. They liked ME!

See? Here's ME loitering in my new bag, and that kid there is checking me out.

Two more FANS! This geezer was about the only pipe smoker at WOMAD (except for those big water jar jobs that they keep behind the curtains). Hello you two!

Talking of which: Good Ganja!

We all went to see some bands too - here's me concentrating v.hard while writing my other blog:FolkingAbout, HE thinks it's his, but I write it really.

Here's me with THEM at the Laura Veirs gig, once again there's a cool chick checking ME out in the background:

Best bit of the day was meeting SAM and his family. Here we are dancing and enjoying a giant strawberry together.

What a great time we had!

I met some other kid too, but he tried to rip my eyes out and pull my arms off, so I didn't like him much - must have had too many e-numbers or something....

OK one last thing - not saying much about this except that it's a taster!

Maximum respect to all RASTAS!

PEACE brothers and sisters everywhere. Floppy 8-)